TCS is the most qualified and experienced investigation company in the Tri-State area handling mass transit, multiple claimant incidents. Our previous experience (outlined below) highlights our unique qualifications for this type of work both in scale and function.
TCS has 5 offices positioned to service your claim in the northeast. Our main office is perfectly situated to coordinate efforts across the tri-state area. Our initial function is collecting all media on the accident from newspaper articles, videos, internet sites where passengers are interviewed. Our experience with these projects has shown that claimants communicate with family/friends via Social Media on their physical status; we catalog and preserve this evidence. Social Profiling Online Tracking (SPOT) and Full Backgrounds are then initiated. This information is relayed to the Field Managers, who disseminate the data to the surveillance investigators, and is then cached for the defense team.
Our best results come from obtaining immediate tape on the “injured passenger/claimant” and determining the true extent of their limitations. We manage the surveillance to maximize our chances of obtaining video. All of this is done in concert with you and defense counsel to mitigate any losses and contain costs. Our fully tested surveillance team is staffed to cover this area with investigators extremely familiar with this type of loss and the nuances of these claims. The savings to our clients in past cases have been significant.
Please see below our experience in this area:
- WTC Toxic Air Exposure– largest litigation in the nation – this was a two-year project as we investigated and managed over 10,000 plaintiffs for 250 defense firms and the carriers.
- AMTRAK – 2004 Penn Station/LI Railroad RR– Saved Amtrak millions.
- Port Authority – Path train accident on Mother’s Day in 2011. 8-month process where we obtained Statements of all injured and subsequently surveillance of all who would not sign a claim release.
- Port Authority Journal Sq. Escalator Incident– Retained to investigate all injured.
- Sea Streak Ferry Accident–1/9/2013 TCS handled all of the background, social media investigation and surveillance. Most of the claims were settled early and well below demand.
We understand the team approach and stress a rapid response for the best possible outcome.